popup maker google map integration

Popup Maker Google Map Integration Ready!

Sit back and get ready for another super fresh update from Popup Maker! Google Map integration is already available for Popup Maker users! 🙂 Before this update, the only way to display a map inside the website popup was the usage of shortcodes and embed codes of 3rd party map plugins. It’s a lot easier now! You should simply connect

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Collect more feedback banner

5 Smart Tips To Collect More Feedback On Your Site

Customers’ feedback is one of the essential factors influencing the success of any service. Marketers get insight with feedback that can be used to improve their business, products, and overall customer experience. In general, websites providing an opportunity for rating and sharing reviews on the service are more trusted and more professional. This shows that the website owner really cares

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Popup Maker - Ecommerce Popups

Top 5 Popup Tools For Your eCommerce Website

More sales – more income, more income – more happiness! 🙂 This is why all the eCommerce owners do their best to win more product sales, using all the tools possible! Even by selling your products at a very cheap price, and offering discounts, you may grow your sales. You just need to cleverly use the popup tools and strategies

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Age Restriction Popup Banner

Add Restriction on Adult Content

Online shopping is one of the best innovations of this century, isn’t it?! There are hundreds of eCommerce websites now available worldwide. You can buy anything you wish online, without leaving your house, office, or wherever you are. Most countries have restrictions on so-called “adult products” selling to some age groups. And if you don’t know the laws well, you

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