Referral Detection Targeting
Show special popup offers depending from what website (url) the user has come to your site.A super targeting option can perfectly be implemented detecting visitors by their referral sources. Demonstrate particular popup proposals depending on what countries the visitors are dropping into your site.
Target your new visitors with proper and on point proposals, knowing where they are reaching from.
This is a very custom targeting option. It enables you to predict visitors’ interests on some point as well as demonstrate a proper subscription popup proposal to them. Increase the chances of enlarging your subscribers’ list. Plus raise your sales, fixing on the visitors to your site by referral URLs.
Referral detection targeting option can be beneficial, for instance, if you’ve got a blog. Show targeting welcoming popups to your blog visitors depending on what sites they are visiting your blog. This practice will build a bond between you and your new guests. Therefore, you will have chances to have them in your email list.
A very custom bunch of options is provided to detect the URL (the source) by all means. Add a part of the URL that refers to your visitors, or adds a word that may be containing in the URL or add the whole URL itself.
Extra targeting campaigns
This is a perfect way to demonstrate extra targeting popup campaigns to your visitors, detecting the source they are visiting you. Idealize your popup strategies with even particular targeting options. Display certain lightbox popup offers for a particular audience.
Referral targeting option can greatly help eCommerce owners to increase their sales. Simply show particular lightbox popup offers to a particular audience, detecting their source. Target your visitors with enticing offers, having detected their source. Designate the referral URLs using keywords of the source. Thus you can display the exact targeting marketing popup offers that will definitely entice your visitors.
This option will help you detect the best converting sources and run a more professional popup marketing and gain more leads.